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- Server Settings
- POP Settings
- Incoming Mail Server = mail.midstatesd.net
- SSL: On, Port: 995
- Outgoing Mail Server = smtp.midstatesd.net
- SSL: On, Port: 465, Use Authentication
- IMAP Settings
- Incoming Mail Server = imap.midstatesd.net
- SSL: On, Port: 993
- Outgoing Mail Server = smtp.midstatesd.net
- SSL: On, Port: 465, Use Authentication
- *Call the Internet Help Desk at 778-8028 for assistance with the above options.
- Spam Filter
- Email FAQ
IPTV Remote
- Make sure TV is on
- Hit the TV button
- Hold the set up button down until the TV button blinks 2 times
- Press 991 and the TV button should blink 2 more times
- Press the channel up button slowly and repeatedly until the TV turns off
- Then press the set up button again to lock the change
Why does my Wi-fi seem to get slower and slower?